"I know what vegan means! They don't eat meat or fish!" Toronto, Ontario - On the set of the indie film 'Nice Guys Don't Wear Purple'
When script-supervisor Diandra Gould showed up to the craft service table after a long morning on set, she was offended by what she saw. "I saw these extras, who were clearly not Vegan, eating all the Vegan options!" It's completely un-acceptable as it leaves us (vegans) with no options!", said Diandra. When asked how she could identify a non-vegan she quipped that they each had "the look". Mario DiTescetty, an extra who is new to the film industry, had this to say. "I already had some pizza and, you know, the Veggie stuff looked good and I thought, now is a good time to try it, in case I don't like it. Turns out that it was pretty good so I kept eating it. Before you knew it, we were all eating it. I feel pretty good too. No one told me not to eat it so hey, who's at fault here? I wouldn't be mad if she ate all the pizza!" A Production Assistant (PA), who asked to remain anonymous, said that Craft Services clearly announced and identified the Vegan options but Mario was busy instagramming himself on the set. Diandra, with nothing left to eat, grabbed a few remaining carrots and went to stand near the water cooler. Mario reportedly felt bad and brought her a plate of cheese to nibble on. The PA, confirmed this encounter. "I knew she wouldn't eat the cheese but I warned her that he licked his fingers each time he put a new piece on the plate. Diandra tossed her carrots into the compost right away." Food selection at a craft service table has increasingly become a hot-button issue as several cast / crew members each have their own dietary preferences. Some have suggested that an all-vegan menu satisfies everyone, and offends no one, while others crave options from the meat and dairy menu. When Ontario's 2019 food guide was released earlier this year, many noticed the lack of meat and dairy present on the imagery. When Mario was questioned if he know what Vegan meant, he snapped back "I know what vegan means! They don't eat meat or fish!" Mario wasn't on the call sheet the following day. Nice Guys Don't Wear Purple is set to be released on VOD in the Fall of 2019. #QuietOnTheSet #HamFilmFest #IndieFilm #Comedy #HappyStuff Quiet On The Set! is a monthly blog post about happenings in the indie film world. This article is farce and meant for comedy purpose only. Any resemblance to any persons living, or dead, or in limbo, or who identifies as being alive, or dead, or in limbo, is purely coincidental. photo: istockphoto.com/motortion
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